46 Co-Parenting Quotes (Support and Reality)

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Looking for co-parenting quotes, huh? Well, here’s your place. As you’ve probably seen from other articles that talk about 36 Daddy Daughter date ideas or 72 date ideas for teenagers I am not just going to give you the lists without a little thought, background, and support. 

Let’s get real for a minute, co-parenting is no joke and full of doubt, frustration, peaks and valleys. Each person has their own experience and all co-parents are not created equal.  Mental health, relationships, and experiences are going to shape each co-parenting couple differently. But if a co-parents are unified in their desire to do the best thing for their child, you put the work in to overcome some of the difficulties. Overtime, once you’ve created a system that works for you it is easier to keep that rhythm going. 

To skip ahead, here is the list of co-parenting quotes.

the Common Ground in Co-Parenting

co-parenting is difficult, but taking time to focus on what you want it to be will help you moving forward.

If you’re here, you likely understand what co-parenting is, but just so we are clear co-parenting is what happens when parents decide it is best for them to no longer be together but they are still seeking to do the best thing for their kids and stay connected. Co-parenting can be challenging for many reasons. Whether it is difficult to see your child’s parents, you don’t have as much time with your children as much as you’d like, or differences in parenting styles it is important to remember the reason why you are choosing to co-parent, for your child. 

Why is co-parenting so hard

One of the first things to do is to allow yourself to recognize that this is hard. Parenting is hard, period. Co-parenting is it’s own kind of hard. Everyone has things they are going through and this is one of the things that you will become a master at. But that doesn’t mean it is without fail, or difficulty. 

Another of the main reasons co-parenting isn’t easy is because you are expected to deal with the raw emotions that may have existed between you and your spouse all while trying to be the best parent you can for your child. 

You don’t live in the same house, and so rather than managing one houses you are having to balance two. 

You might have to have difficult conversations about why your family is set up differently than your child’s friends. Or why you and you co-parent aren’t together. You kid may ask it it was their fault. It can be important to help your child know that they aren’t responsible for getting you back together. 

Spending time with your co-parent can help your child understand how to cultivate relationships.

Why co-parenting is beautiful

You get to put aside your differences for a common goal. 

If you’ve ever been part of a team, you know, that sometimes you don’t get the glory. You might not get to play when you want to. You may not be the star receiver. But every person has their role. The biggest thing is to have the strongest team that you can. 

You become master communicators

If you think time is disappearing, treasure the time you have with your children while co-parenting.

While your communication skills may have been a part of the reasoning behind becoming a co-parent, you can use this opportunity to improve that. Clarifying expectations, understandings, hopes, etc. can greatly improve the parenting that you are able to offer your children. 

You give up a little control

You can only do what you can do. Too often we try to control everything, but with co-parenting you have to let go of some of the responsibility. You can’t control how your co-parent operates. You can’t 

Tips for Co-Parenting

Find things to be thankful for, in a positive way. If things didn’t work out between your co-parent, recognize that you’ve created a beautiful life together. Remember why you loved them and look for the good in them. Express gratitude for the opportunities you have to create memories with your child, whether it is making pancakes or going on vacation. 

To start, here is your first quote. 

Thoughtful Co-Parenting Quotes

  1. Find ways to be present in the moments you have rather than focusing on the frustration of time you don’t. 
  2. It doesn’t help your child to know how much you hate their co-parent. 
  3. Your child is not your therapist. 
  4. Stop trying to be perfect, and just be real.
  5. Co-parenting is about looking for solutions, not faults.
  6. Your child should hear you compliment your co-parent 
  7. Co-parenting is a collaboration, not a competition.
  8. Each family tree grows differently, but they all produce seedlings.
  9. If you can’t be together as a couple, be together as friends.
  10. Let go of your frustrations, they won’t serve anyone. 
  11. Life is like playing Tetris, you can only worry about finding the best place for the piece you are dealt. 
  12. The family is a microcosm. Demonstrating healthy communication with those you love empowers your child to develop healthy communication practices as they grow.
  13. Identify the good that your co-parent brings to your child. 
co-parenting is an adventure and your kids should know you're learning just like they are.

Funny Co-Parenting Quotes (Children Will Understand)

  1. Parents bring stability, kids bring chaos. Remember the order.
  2. Superheroes are in the business of saving, not fighting. 
  3. Be the Justice League
  4. Create a side-kick, not a villain. 
  5. Don’t try to turn your co-parent into the villain.
  6. Don’t be Mother Gothel.
  7. Let your child find their own reasons to hate your co-parent, they don’t need yours.
  8. Your child is not meant to be your caretaker until you’re the one in diapers.
  9. Divide and conquer was not meant for relationships. Build up your child’s connection to their parents.
  10. Create a healthy fairy tale. The wicked step-parent narrative is destructive. 
  11. Co-parenting is difficult, because where they failed to communicate in their relationship they must become master communicators for their children. 

“If you love your child more than you hate your ex, you can solve most co-parenting problems”

Helen Fried

Toxic Co-Parenting Quotes

The way we teach our children about co-parenting shouldn't poison the well.
  1. Your child shouldn’t learn how to make people miserable from you.
  2. Allow your child to form their own opinions, free of your judgment of your co-parent.
  3. Point toward the future, not at each other.
  4. Belittling your co-parenting tells your child that don’t like half of who they are
  5. Chaos is not a key characteristic of parenthood
  6. Asking children to keep secrets from a co-parent can cause rifts in both relationships. 
  7. Your child shouldn’t hate your co-parent for the same reason you do.
  8. The best blankie a child can keep is a comfortable place where love is demonstrated.
  9. While hard times make us stronger, we should not seek to make times hard for our child.

Healthy co-parenting quotes

  1. Making time for your children today allows you to have memories of your children in the future. 
  2. Presence over presents
  3. Stability is what we crave, even if it’s non-traditional. 
  4. Children reap the benefits of co-parenting when both parents are empowered by one another.
  5. Your job as a co-parent is to help your child see their parent as a superhero.
  6. Co-parenting is not an inconvenience, it is the purpose.
  7. Co-parenting is a pinnacle of selflessness. You set aside your past to work for your future.
  8. Growth occurs in the calm after the storm. 
  9. Let your home be where your child rests, not just sleeps.
  10. Separate homes doesn’t mean a house divided.
  11. You don’t have to have it together to love a child.
  12. Teaching your child you’re still learning creates adults who continue to try to be better.
Co-parenting with a step parent can be difficult.

Co-Parenting with Step Parents Quotes

  1. Parents and Step-Parents are on the same team. 
  2. Step families demonstrate to a child that we can keep moving towards a future we dreamed of.
  3. When creating a team, you want the strongest players. If you’ve already got your team, help develop them. 

Remember what Andy Smithson said, “The sign of a great parent is not the behavior of the children. The sign of a truly great parent is the behavior of the parent.”

The outcome doesn’t always equal the input. Your child will make their own choices that you may, or may not, agree with. That doesn’t mean you did something wrong, it means they are exploring their reality. 

Allow them to know that you are a place they can always come to find comfort, support, and love.

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