52 Fun Questions to Ask Your Spouse

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We all know that once you have been married for a while, and kids make an appearance, it can be difficult to get those date nights out. Sometimes you might even struggle to remember why you married this person. A great conversation can be the jump start you need to rekindle that connection. Here is a list of fun questions you can ask your spouse.

I know what you’re thinking, “is this another lame list of questions that are too deep to have a good time answering? I don’t want to ask them what their dreams are, I just want to laugh with my wife and talk about random things.”

Well, welcome, welcome to the right list.

Perhaps you are looking for fun questions to ask your spouse that fill the time on a road trip, a quiet night, or maybe you’re just looking for a way to drum up conversation when things get a little quiet, keep reading for a very finely crafted list of questions to ask your spouse that are sure to end in laughter and smiles.

There are plenty of questions to ask your spouse games such as Our Moments or The Ultimate Game for Couples or (our favorite) the Newlywed Game, but you don’t have time to go out and get that right now. So save those in your cart to battle your friends later and prepare yourself for 52 fun questions to ask your spouse. These funny questions to ask your spouse will break up the monotony of any weeknight and could be used at almost any time.

Couple around fire pit asking each other funny questions.

Importance of Communication

First, before we get too deep into this, remember that communication with your spouse is essential. While this may be fun and games, the reality is the time you spend talking with your spouse will only benefit you in the future. Breaking up the rhythm of everyday life, while allowing your partner to talk openly, can lay the foundation for future conversations that will come in your marriage, that may not be as fun but just as important.

For now though, we are keeping it fun!

Without further adieu, here are 52 funny questions to ask your spouse!

52 Fun Questions to Ask Your Partner

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  1. What percentage of you is your dad and what percentage of you is your mom?
  2. If you have hot cocoa would you rather burn yourself from drinking it too soon or drink it when it is too cold to be considered hot cocoa?
  3. If you could be created with creating one of the seven wonders of the world, which one would it be and why? (They are the Colosseum, the Taj Mahal, Christ the Redeemer, the Chichen Itza, Machu Picchu, Petra, and the Great Wall of China)
  4. What song would be the title track on the soundtrack of your life?
  5. What would be the title track on the soundtrack of our marriage?
  6. If you were told you won a free t-shirt or a free dessert at a sporting event , which would you choose and why?
  7. What is the weirdest smell that you actually like?
  8. What is your favorite memory since we have been together?
  9. If you could choose someone to portray you in a movie about your life who would play you and me and why?
  10. What would you want to be famous for?
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Questions on Smells, Tears, and Chocolate

  1. Would you rather smell bad or look homeless?
  2. What would you change about the way you were raised?
  3. If you could have a super power what would it be? (The person asking the question gets to add a caveat about how that super power would be limited or useless)
  4. What is the worst pick up line you can come up with in 5 seconds?
  5. Where is the grossest place you have ever had to go to the bathroom? Could you do it?
  6. What is the dumbest thing you’ve cried about?
  7. Are flowers better gifts than chocolate?
  8. What is the best cover-up story you’ve ever used and what was it about?
  9. What is a hobby you would like to have but will never do? Why won’t you do it?
  10. If I were to ask you on a date, where do you think I would take you?
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Fun Questions to Ask Your Spouse about Ghosts and tiny homes

  1. Do you think ghosts exist? Are you afraid of them?
  2. Which is worse: a wine drinking mom or a beer drinking dad?
  3. What movie scared you the most growing up?
  4. Would you rather pee your pants at a haunted house or poop your pants in a marathon?
  5. What is your least favorite holiday decoration?
  6. Would you rather have pudding for breakfast or yogurt for dessert?
  7. Would you rather the temperature be 120 degrees or -20? …If you had to work outside?
  8. If your punishment for committing a crime was to do a chore you hate the most for the rest of your life, what would the chore be?
  9. Would you rather live in a tiny home you can’t clean or a giant home you can’t afford?
Asian parents get out of the house and ask each other funny questions over dinner.

Odd Questions About Clothing and Voodoo Dolls

  1. What clothing brand do you wish was still around?
  2. What clothing style do you wish was not socially acceptable?
  3. If I bought you something from that clothing style you hated, but you couldn’t return it, sell it, or throw it away, how would you get out of wearing it?
  4. What clothing style do you wish was socially acceptable?
  5. What is one article of clothing of mine that you wish Houdini would make disappear?
  6. If you could make a voodoo doll of someone who would it be and what would you make them do?
  7. What is the ugliest animal that people keep as a pet?
  8. If you had to white water kayak through a river of crocodiles or skip through a field of hyenas, which would you choose and why?
  9. If you could go back in time to change one thing in your life, what would it be? (The person asking that question gets to decide what the ridiculous side effect has occurred because of that change.)
  10. If you could wish for people to listen to everything you say or for no one to hear a word you say, what would you choose?
  11. What is the best excuse you’ve ever given for why you needed to leave a date?
Elderly married couple on a walking in the woods asking each other funny questions.

Fun Questions about Aliens and microwaves

  1. Should Pluto still be a planet?
  2. Are aliens in area 51?
  3. If you could tent camp or sleep in an RV, which would you choose?
  4. What historical female figure do you think would have been more feared with a beard?
  5. What would be the most embarrassing thing to go to the hospital for?  
  6. If you could not taste anything you ate, what food would you eat?
  7. Would you rather be unable to feel pain or unable to hear people complain?
  8. Would you rather be a comedian or a movie star?
  9. If you were a comedian what would your most famous bit be about?
  10. What is the worst thing a co-worker could bring for lunch to warm up in the microwave?

Check below for the last two questions… that you think you’d know the answer to.

Man and woman asking each other thoughtful, funny questions.

Final “Funny” Questions for your Spouse

  1. Hamburger or taco?
  2. Coke or Pepsi?

Hopefully, this list of fun questions for married couples has been informative, yea, even revelatory. We purposefully left off the intimate questions to ask your partner, you can do that in your own time… *wink* *wink*

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