
Here are some articles for helping dads find health in all aspects of life.
Physically, mentally, emotionally, occupationally, and more.

We all know that once you have been married for a while, and kids make an appearance, it can be difficult to get those date …

As a dad, you’ve got to be prepared for your teenagers to start dating. One way to get ahead of the game, if you weren’t …

Using affirmations for friendship can help you recognize what you value, and what value you bring to friendships. We don’t always take time to appreciate …

Beans, beans, the magical fruit… Well, you know the rest. Men aren’t typically portrayed as caring about their health, but we are always good for …

One of the problems with how we approach health is that we are taught that there is a right way and a wrong way to …

You may not be the formal type of person to wish someone a good wedding, but you’re still a good person. So, you’re wondering what …

Does your bucket list look like a pair of thick roll corduroy pants held up by suspenders and you’re just looking for some type of …

$1, $4, $10, more?!?  How much are you supposed to leave your child as gifts from the tooth fairy? It can be hard to know …

One of the biggest draws of the New Year is the idea that it is fresh, and new, and unmarred by the past. There is …

We are all built by those around us. We never know the last time that we speak to a friend will be so I encourage …

Throughout the world, freedom is a precious commodity. Freedom can represent many things to many people and I wanted to express one perspective you may …

You think you’re in control, we all do. However, when we take a step back and look at our lives we see that many of …

Alright, we’re going to go deep in this one and talk about all of the decorating that goes on around this time of year. These …

Procrastination is a favorite tool of many. We wait until the deadline gets closer before we truly start to work on a project, assignment, relationship, …

Despite what your family thinks about your obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are some very worthwhile lessons. For example, be upstanding like Captain …

This letter to new dads is one that is often experienced but never discussed. The Dad Matters hopes to change that. To you, the new …

Most kids love getting out of the house. It can be tempting for a dad to come home from work and search out his own …

As a father, often times we get caught up in the day to day. It can take big events to make us step back and …

Congratulations! If you’re reading this obviously life is about to change for you and you, as the ever-prepared man you are, are looking for things …

What if getting healthy was an just seen as an experiment? What if instead of a New Years Resolution, you had the New Year’s Health …