The Dad Matters

About Us

Our Mission

What matters to us, is you.

Your family, your health, and your experiences are going to allow you to be the father that the world needs.

You are the Dad that matters.



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Our Core Values

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The goal of The Dad Matters is to providing a place to have the community of men who are trying to better themselves, not just for their family but for themselves. We will provide worthwhile information that enables men to improve in all 8 dimensions of wellness.

  • Emotional / Mental
  • Environmental
  • Financial
  • Intellectual
  • Occupational
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Spiritual

Your definition of health may not require all of these in order to achieve what you’re looking for, but we will try to give you what you need to get there.

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Extraordinary Experiences

Men are often doers, fixers, and hustlers. They want to accomplish things but often times that can prevent us from stepping back to smell the roses and appreciate the good ole’ days while we’re in them.

With The Dad Matters, we want to give you a space to step back from the every day to see if the life you’re creating is the life you’re dreaming of. We want to help you through the tough moments, and the hard conversations, knowing that it will pay off in the end.