Affirmations for Friendship

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Using affirmations for friendship can help you recognize what you value, and what value you bring to friendships. We don’t always take time to appreciate who we are and what we have to offer.

Men are good at cheering. Not the Ra-Ra shake your pom poms kind of cheering, but in being supportive of their crew. As a dad you support your kids going through tough times. You talk about school and sporting events and give pointers. You push your buddies at the gtym, and you tell your wife she is strong enough to kill that bug. But sometimes we need a little support ourselves.

Traditionally, what was important to men was work, how they provided for their family and how much money they made. When first meeting a guy the common question is, “So, what do you do?” and rather than responding with a list of hobbies, interests or stories we respond with our job title.

As an adult it can be hard to make friends. In reality many of our friends are made in our formative years (teenage) and have just stuck around. We can make friends through work, or our kids’ activities, but they are rarely the same as childhood friendships. Ben Rector has a good song about “Old friends” if you want to add it to your Spotify playlist when you’re feeling nostalgic.

Using affirmations for friendship can help you to reflect on what you bring to friendships and the value that you place on a close social network.

What are affirmations

Men at a wedding that have utilized daily affirmations for friends to help them recognize how important to each other.

Affirmations are statements that we make that help us to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. They are often positive quotes that empower us. It is that voice inside of us that pumps you up, validates your experience, and encourages you to keep trying. These affirmations can be said daily as part of your ritual for getting ready in the morning, at night while winding down or just while going through a tough experience. You probably use them daily without thinking about it.

“You got this” is a simple example of an affirmation that is commonly used among people that are trying something new or challenging.

These sayings are a way of checking in with yourself to control the narrative about who you are.

Why are affirmations important for friendships

Sometimes we don’t know if we make a good friend. Many men walk through life thinking highly of themselves. There can be the mentality of, “why wouldn’t someone want to be my friend?” with the air of confidence. But as you get older, you can become more isolated.

You are no longer going out with your buddies for guys’ night. Your support group may become your wife and kids. Your involvement in video games, sports teams, or community clubs can shrink. Your network of friends at work may diminish.

By reflecting and providing affirmations for friendships you are grounding yourself in what is important. Identifying what you value can help you to find a way to meet the needs of those around you. Everyone can use a friend, but rarely do we take the time to recognize the importance friends play.

A big role of affirmations is to validate and even change our mindset towards ourselves and others.

Families camping that have utilized daily affirmations for friends to help them know what they value.

Friendship Affirmations

  1. I don’t let people push me around
  2. I am aware of others needs
  3. I look for ways to help
  4. I have my friends backs
  5. I am good at supporting people in their dreams
  6. I am a good listener
  7. I show people I appreciate their friendship
  8. I attract positive relationships
  9. I am good at complimenting others
  10. I don’t need to be the center of attention
  11. I am a slow and steady friend
  12. Friends can rely on me
  13. I can listen without needing to fix
  14. I am not a high need friend
  15. I deserve to have good friends
  16. New friends feel comfortable around me
  17. I attract positive people
  18. I allow myself to be vulnerable with those close to me
  19. I am good at identifying what my friends need
  20. I don’t put up walls
  21. I appreciate friendships where I can be me
  22. I foster lasting friendships

Daily affirmations for friendship

Men playing video games that utilized daily affirmations for friends to help them know how important they are to one another.
  1. I invite people into my life
  2. I encourage others to be better
  3. I allow people to be themselves
  4. I don’t judge others for being different
  5. I am a comfortable person to talk to
  6. I am a loyal friend
  7. I value strong relationships
  8. I easily connect with people
  9. Friendships come easy to me
  10. I find opportunities for meeting new people
  11. I can be an example of positive relationships
  12. I accept myself
  13. I create opportunities to meet new people

Affirmations for making friends

  1. I am good at choosing my friends
  2. I deserve to have friends
  3. I enjoy learning new things in my friendships
  4. I am good at creating strong bonds with my friends
  5. I create an environment where people feel comfortable
  6. I invite powerful friendships
  7. I don’t view friendships as a transaction
  8. I will be kind to others because I want to be
  9. I can be a good example of a friend
  10. I am an interesting person
  11. I don’t need to diminish myself to have friends
  12. I am enjoyable to be around
  13. I am a trustworthy friend
  14. I am open to new friendships
  15. I make friends easily
  16. I am easy to talk with
  17. I ask good questions to get to know people
  18. I attract authentic people
  19. I like who I am

Gratitude Affirmations for Friends

Friends white water rafting that used daily affirmations for friends to realize what they value in their friendships.
  1. I am thankful for my friends
  2. I appreciate being understood
  3. I look for good in others
  4. I find the good in others
  5. I tell people about the good I see in them
  6. I thank people for their examples
  7. I can trust others
  8. I let new friends know I am thankful for them

Affirmations for losing friends

  1. I am growing
  2. I can set healthy boundaries
  3. I will create new friendships that help me to be better
  4. It is okay to be picky with my friends
  5. I learn from past friendships
  6. I don’t let toxic people in my life
  7. I am good at setting boundaries
  8. I attract and create positive people

When thinking about affirmations for friendship, it doesn’t need to be seen as something hokey or weak. It is a recognition of personal value. It is an understanding of what you bring to the table and an appreciation for who you are.

If you are looking for fun things to do with your friends check out this article on bucket list ideas!

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