201 Crazy Bucket List Ideas

Some times our crazy idea bucket lists include the everyday

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Does your bucket list look like a pair of thick roll corduroy pants held up by suspenders and you’re just looking for some type of life support to shock you back to reality? If so, you’re in the right place. Your bucket list of crazy ideas needs to grow a little in the thrill-seeking neighborhood and this list of 201 bucket list Crazy ideas will be just what you need.

However, you take the flip-side of this story and maybe you’ve already done every crazy thing you can think of, now you’re just itching for the next thrill. You’re the one that wants to have stories for days to tell at every party you go to. I mean… YOLO, amiright?

As a dad you may think that your time for checking off that bucket list is long gone. Or maybe your bucket list of crazy ideas looks a little different, but keep in mind we were all young once, and there might be things that you want your kids to do before they settle it. There is nothing wrong with being a dad, but priorities shift once you create humans. So, this list might help you to rekindle that adventurous spirit in yourself or foster that experience seeking drive in your children. Or maybe, you will find a few things to do with your kids.

Before scrolling down, I’m going to tell you how this bucket list is laid out. Before you jump ahead, I want you to know that this list does not have repeats. You very well could find something on the teenage list you’ve never considered, or done, that you want to add to your list.

So here is the layout. We are starting with the young’uns and moving through the lifecycle. Starting will be the 41 bucket list ideas for TEENAGERS. Moving on we will have the 52 bucket list ideas for COLLEGE STUDENTS and from there, 34 bucket list ideas for SUMMER. Assuming you get married after college I’ve included the 36 crazy bucket list ideas for COUPLES and from there we will end on the 38 EXTREME and DANGEROUS bucket list ideas for a total of 201 crazy bucket list ideas.

Let’s start this off at the beginning, for the young folk. Here goes our bucket list crazy ideas.

Father and teenage son singing during the sunset as part of their crazy bucket list idea

41 BUcket List ideas teenagers

This list isn’t going to include the tame things that you should learn how to do in order to be a functioning adult, like know how to pay bills, do laundry, negotiate, hold an engaging conversation, present yourself professionally, interview for a job and so forth. While all of those are important, right now you’re focusing on gaining… experience.

So, let’s do it!

  1. Start a YouTube page and get 1,000 subscribers
  2. Learn how to build your own shelter and camp in it overnight
  3. Go hunting
  4. Make your own ice cream
  5. Milk a cow
  6. Race on a BMX track
  7. Visit a skate park
  8. Pick an extreme sports and see how good you are
  9. Snowboarding, vert ramp roller skating, ski jumping, etc.
  10. Do a triathlon
  11. Get a original song on Spotify
  12. Make $10,000 selling NFT’s
  13. Go to a music festival
  14. Create a haunted house for Halloween
  15. Read 24 books in a year (2 a month)
  16. Get your art in a gallery
  17. Climb to the highest point in your state and watch the sunrise/sunset
  18. Ask the best looking in your high school on a date
  19. Go ziplining
  20. Place music on a street corner for money during an art walk
  21. Dye your hair
  22. Have a 24 hour movie marathon with your friends
  23. Host a cooking competition with your friends
  24. Learn how to sing
  25. Learn how to roller skate dance
  26. Host a giant water balloon battle in a downtown city park
  27. Take a road trip with family
  28. Once you can drive take a road trip with your friends
  29. Explore your city only using public transportation
  30. Hold a t-shirt dyeing competition with your friends
  31. Go on a 50 mile long bike ride
  32. Learn how to do 4 magic tricks
  33. Go geocaching
  34. Make a giant slip ’n slide in your backyard
  35. Run a half-marathon
  36. Learn to braid hair (Boys and girls)
  37. Attend a Renaissance festival
  38. Master solving a Rubik’s cube
  39. Start a blog about something interesting to you
  40. Make jewelry/art and set up an online shop
  41. Host a karaoke/lip sync battle
joining a college women's rugby team could be on a crazy idea bucket list for college students

54 ideas for college students

While you’re in college there are certain things that you feel like are a rite of passage. I’m not just talking about getting drunk and going to parties, no, there’s much more. As a dad you don’t just want your kid to go waste their time and money, you want them to learn and get experience. Maybe you’ll want to share this with them, here are the 54 crazy bucket list ideas for college students!

  1. FIRST, figure out what crazy things your college offers to students and do them!
  2. Learn how to really dance (Swing, salsa, waltz, etc.)
  3. Visit the cadaver labs
  4. Go to the astronomy nights
  5. Experience high adventure trips
  6. Study abroad
  7. Take trips to state parks
  8. Go tent and RV camping
  9. Run a 5k
  10. Attend sporting events
  11. Actual battleship in the college pool
  12. Join an intramural sports team for a sport you’ve never play
  13. Tour the city like a local
  14. Interview an old person
  15. Shadow jobs you’ll never want
  16. Wear a snake like a necklace
  17. Take a road trip to the closest beach and swim with (Stingrays, dolphins, manatees, sharks)
  18. Ride on a dog sled
  19. Go out with the local Police for a ride along
  20. Ride a bucking bronco
  21. Kiss a random stranger
  22. Write a mysterious love note on the bathroom dorm mirror
  23. Grow out your hair to donate
  24. Sponsor a child in a developing country
  25. Sign up to be an organ donor
  26. Sign up to be a bone marrow donor
  27. Go to an acupuncturist
  28. Try wearing crazy colored contacts
  29. Get your palm read
  30. Wear a lava-lava, sarong, or kilt around campus
  31. Have a professional photo shoot
  32. Go to a fashion show
  33. Make your own perfume
  34. Make your own shoes
  35. Start a business
  36. Sell something on the internet
  37. Set up an emergency fund
  38. Sign up to be a nude model for an art class
  39. Invent something useful… or not
  40. Be in a TV show
  41. Perform on stage with a band
  42. Be featured on the cover of a magazine
  43. Go to a ball/masquerade
  44. Crash a party you’re not invited to
  45. Get your name on the big screen in the credits
  46. Participate in an open-mic night
  47. Learn how to do a real Hula dance
  48. Learn how to belly dance
  49. Find a Guinness Book of World Record that you want to set
  50. Watch the Space Shuttle launch
  51. Get hypnotized
  52. Attend a pow wow
  53. Shave your head
  54. Own an original piece of artwork from an art student at your school
Group of young friends enjoying summer together working through their bucket list

32 Wild bucket list ideas for summer

Don’t just take, or let your kids take, a ho-hum, run of the mill summer break of nothing. There is so much to do out there in the wide world of adventure. So check this list against what is available near you, get your kids out of the house and into these experiences.

  1. Learn how to water ski
  2. Learn how to sail a boat
  3. Drive a jet ski
  4. Take a ride on a motorcycle
  5. Drive a race car on a track
  6. Catch a flight in a private jet
  7. Go for a ride in a submarine
  8. Jump on a cable car
  9. Ride a tube down a river
  10. Relax while riding in a train
  11. Drive an ATV or side-by-side
  12. Ride on the top of a double-decker bus
  13. Learn how to drive a zamboni at an ice rink
  14. Be in a TV show
  15. Perform on stage with a band
  16. Ride on a camel
  17. Be featured on the cover of a magazine
  18. Go to a ball/masquerade
  19. Crash a party you’re not invited to
  20. Learn how to drive a tractor
  21. Get your name on the big screen in the credits
  22. Participate in an open-mic night
  23. Learn how to do a real Hula dance
  24. Learn how to belly dance
  25. Find a Guinness Book of World Record that you want to set
  26. Watch the Space Shuttle launch
  27. Get hypnotized
  28. Attend a pow wow
  29. Ride in a gondola
  30. Attend a Jazz festival
  31. Walk on a nude beach
  32. Complete an Ironman triathlon
Iranian couple kissing and thinking about the things they're checking off their crazy idea bucket list

36 ideas for COUPLES

Now, dad, here we are. With you and your partner it is important to stay alive. Before you get too old and your bones start making their own ringtones when you wake up, consider some of the more extreme behaviors, you can thank me for this expansive list of date ideas later. Here are 36 crazy bucket list ideas for couples!

  1. Rope swing into water
  2. Go out in a hot air balloon
  3. Kiss beneath a waterfall
  4. Go for a romantic horse & carriage ride
  5. Name your own star
  6. See the Great Barrier Reef
  7. Stay overnight in an underwater hotel
  8. Watch the sunrise & sunset in one day
  9. Horseback ride naked on a beach
  10. Plan a night with candles and a bed covered in rose petals
  11. Visit each others home from when they were kids
  12. Make a piece of clothing you can wear… and do
  13. Make your own family crest
  14. Create your own stained glass art work
  15. Make a your own custom scented candle
  16. Make a piece of jewelry from random stuff found at a thrift store
  17. Blow glass on a date
  18. Shadow a blacksmith
  19. Learn how to knit yourself socks
  20. Make your own book (paper and all)
  21. Spin clay on a potter’s wheel
  22. Redo old furniture
  23. Make your own soap
  24. Stomp grapes in a vineyard
  25. Then go wine tasting
  26. Experience a cranberry farm
  27. Invite friends over and surprise them with a food fight
  28. Make your own cheese
  29. Learn how to get honey straight from a beehive
  30. Boil a live lobster
  31. Shuck your own oysters
  32. Go mushroom hunting
  33. Go hunting for truffles
  34. Create your own ice art work
  35. Try caviar
  36. Make someone’s night by leaving your server a 100% tip
Dad going hot air ballooning to check it off his crazy idea bucket list

38 Extreme and Dangerous bucket list ideas

If those just weren’t enough to get all of the blood pumping in your body, here is the list of 38 extreme and dangerous bucket list ideas. We cannot be held responsible for participation in these activities, conversations that may be had in order to get spousal approval, or liable for any disagreements that occur. Without further adieu, 38 extreme and dangerous bucket list ideas

  1. I’m going to start with learn CPR and basic life saving skills from the Red Cross or American Heart Association
  2. Learn how to jump start your car
  3. Go indoor skydiving
  4. Go spelunking (caving)
  5. Ride on a luge
  6. Go rock crawling
  7. Rappel off of a mountain
  8. Have fish suck on your toes
  9. Walk on a bed of glass or hot coals
  10. Lay on a bed of nails
  11. Learn how to eat fire
  12. Walk on hot coals
  13. Learn how to kitesurf
  14. Go 4-wheeling
  15. Go rock climbing outside
  16. Ride in a propeller plane
  17. Take a helicopter ride
  18. Go bungee jumping
  19. Find people to base jump with
  20. Go solo skydiving (after you’ve become certified of course)
  21. Parasail over the ocean
  22. Whitewater raft/kayak/canoe
  23. Become a licensed scuba divers
  24. Race ATVs at some sand dunes
  25. Snowboard in a half-pipe
  26. Go cliff jumping
  27. Ride in a stunt plane
  28. Walk on a glacier
  29. Run with the bulls
  30. Sleep on the side of a mountain
  31. Wrestle a crocodile
  32. Shadow a Hollywood stuntman
  33. Herd cattle on ATV or horseback
  34. Chase a tornado
  35. Look inside the mouth of a volcano
  36. Start a fire without matches
  37. Participate in a rodeo
  38. Join the Nitro Circus

There you have it! 201 bucket list crazy ideas to get your brain juices flowing. We left out the scandalous or illegal bucket list ideas because, well, we are a family site. And you, dad, should be a good example. May you and your posterity have a life well-lived, enjoyed, and explored. And may your stories be never ending!

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