Dad Hospital Bag Checklist

Young black parents loving on new baby, new dad hospital bag checklist

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Congratulations! If you’re reading this obviously life is about to change for you and you, as the ever-prepared man you are, are looking for things you need to make sure you are prepared to take to the hospital. Let get you ready with the dad hospital bag checklist!

You likely have an idea for what you need to bring. But it can be helpful to get out of your own head to make sure you have brought it all. It’s going to be a busy time and relying on memory will not be the best. Also, there are some things that you just don’t know about until you’re there. Hopefully this will reduce the number of surprises on your special day. There is a printable check list at the end of this article.

Just remember, that everything you bring you will likely be taking home, so make sure you’ll have space in the car to bring the baby and all of your stuff home!

Disclaimer: It’s not just a dad bag

I am going to write this pregnancy hospital bag checklist as a comprehensive list, so that you know what needs to go in the dad hospital bag for everyone. You will no longer be packing bags just for you. You need to think of the needs of everyone involved. It can easily be the case that your partner will ask you for things while in the hospital because she will be a bit occupied. If you packed the bag, then you will know where things are, what they look like and you will be prepared to start your role as the care-mander in chief for this wonderful event.

First off, let’s start with the list for everyone. Whether it is mom or dad, you will both need to make sure you’re ready to go with this list. Truly, it is a mom and dad hospital bag checklist, because you are going to take this on together! While mom is otherwise engaged with the medical professionals or healing afterwards, you, dad, are going to be in charge of everything else that needs to be taken care of.

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Hospital items List for everyone


  • You may not be coming home for a few days, so make sure that you are prepared to be able to continue to manage your medications while admitted. 

Comfortable clothes

  • Basically pajamas, you will be wearing pajamas for a few days while in the hospital. If you sleep in the nude, you won’t be in the hospital. So bring some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. 
  • Make sure you have a few changes of underwear too. No one wants 3 days old undies stinking up the nursery.
  • House slippers. Your wife will get grippy socks, you might, but it’s nice to have a little bit of home in the hospital.

Phone (tablet, headphones, charger) and all it’s accessories

  • Be sure to take a long charger. The room setups are not always the most practical and you’ll likely want that 6 foot long charger cable when you’re posting updates and talking with your family between feedings, naps, baths, and snuggles.
  • To take photos, lots of photos. You will not be dolled up. You will not look your best, but make sure to take photos regardless. 
  • Headphones are a must. There will be times when you are awake and your spouse is not. You are going to start to recognize the importance of sleep and waking mom or baby will not make anyone happy. 


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  • Glasses and contact gear
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
  • Deodorant for him and her
  • Lotion
  • Shampoo (travel sizes are nice)
  • Hair ties

Snacks (favorite treats)

  • But keep them hidden until everyone can eat…. Don’t make mama angry

Special gifts you want to give your baby or your wife

List for her

  • Nursing bra
  • Comfy pants without a tight waistband
  • Full frontal zip hoodie to provide the baby easy access but also allow mom to stay warm without having to do too much work to get dressed.
  • Going home outfit to compliment the baby (she will probably tell you which one)
  • Nipple shield
  • Nipple balm

List for baby

Your list of baby names

  • Clothes
  • Going home outfit
  • Car seat (and with the base already installed if possible)
  • Bottles

List for dad

  • Your phone
  • Photo ID
  • Health Insurance Card
  • Name of pediatrician
  • Have a playlist created that you can play coming home from the hospital
  • Write a message to your newborn and your wife to commemorate this experience
  • A friend to talk to afterward
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Things you don’t need to worry about

  • Diapers (adult or baby)
  • Wipes
  • Work

topics to discuss before baby is here

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  • Baby names
  • Music
  • Expectations for delivery room
  • If you are going to have music
  • Who is going to be there
  • If you have pets, who will watch the pet
    • Make sure there is an extra key
  • Who is expected to know first
  • Where/when are pictures going to be taken
    • Who gets to see what pictures 

To close things down, let us be one of the first to say, congratulations. You’re going to crush it. Be sure to join our email group for updates on new articles about life as a dad!

Here is your printable hospital bag checklist for dad pdf