72 Date Ideas for Teenagers (Cheap or Free)

Teenage couple on a date

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As a dad, you’ve got to be prepared for your teenagers to start dating. One way to get ahead of the game, if you weren’t a prolific dater yourself, is to know of some awesome dates your kids can go on. Anyone can go to a movie, but what is that teaching your child about relationships? Sit in a dark room and don’t talk? With this list of date ideas for teenagers the goal of dating is to understand how to interact with someone you like, and figure out if you even like them. This is can be used as a list of fun dates for teenage couples or for teenagers going on first dates. 

A word to the fathers

Dad is smiling and inviting to a person their child brought over for a date and helping them think of fun date ideas for teenagers

As a father, you should hope that your teenager is having a good time, but also gaining skills in communication, expectation, and potentially… love. It is important for your teenager to feel comfortable talking to you about who they are going on dates with, so don’t put walls up immediately. 

I know it is tempting to scare away your daughter’s date by cleaning your gun, or by being unapproachable. It can also be common that men don’t talk to their sons about who they are dating. Don’t do that. Instead, be open, inviting, and willing to get to know whoever they are taking on a date. 

This article isn’t going to focus on what age a teenager should date, how to ensure that a date is respectful, whether or not you bring flowers on a first date. Those articles are their own conversation. For now, we are focusing on awesome, fun dates for teenagers. The hope is that you will talk with them about their dates and foster that healthy relationship with your children that lasts well past the two months they date someone you think is bad for them. 

A word to the teenagers

Teen couple on a date at a local park

Don’t trust the TV shows and movies with their ideas of teenage dating. Consider that while you are dating now, it doesn’t need to be serious. You probably are not going to marry the person you ask on a date your freshman year of high school. 

Just go and have fun. Learn about other people. Figure out what is acceptable and what is not on dates. 

Think of it this way, if you only go on one date and that is the person you REALLY like the stakes are really high. You may be scared to mess up. You haven’t tried any lines, gone any places, figured out who is paying, who is picking up, or what the expectations of a date are. 

To use a basketball analogy, don’t just take one shot at the basket. Instead, play a whole season so that when you get to the state championship, you know your abilities. 

Enough with the lectures, here are 91 date ideas for teenagers. 

30 Cheap date ideas for teenagers

teenagers on a date at an amusement park
  1. Mini golf
  2. Laser tag
  3. Arcade
  4. Go-karting
  5. Ice skating
  6. Concerts
  7. Rent kayaks at a city park
  8. Play real golf
  9. Go to a driving range or TopGolf
  10. Go to a trampoline park
  11. Visit a haunted house
  12. Go fruit picking in an orchard
  13. Tye dye shirts
  14. Go to an amusement park
  15. Go to an aquarium
  16. Visit a museum
  17. Rent electric scooters
  18. Go bowling
  19. Attend an orchestra concert
  20. Cheer on a local sports team
  21. Dress up and eat somewhere fancy
  22. Each of you bring your favorite cereal and talk!
  23. Go to a minor league baseball game
  24. Go to an improv or comedy theater
  25. Pretend your a food food critic at a local restaurant 
  26. Go to a “paint your own” studio
  27. Go to a smash room and destroy somethings
  28. Check out a local college for plays, 
  29. Build a miniature rocket
  30. Pick out a DIY craft at Hobby Lobby for under $10
Young couple going on a date walking along the coast after looking at our list of date ideas for teenagers.

42 Free date ideas for teenagers

  1. Board games
  2. Go on a hike
  3. Go for a bike ride
  4. Play Frisbee golf
  5. Play basketball
  6. Visit an open mic night
  7. Sing karaoke
  8. Have an art night
  9. Create your own art gallery
  10. Build a Lego set
  11. Make your own bucket list
  12. Tour a Buddhist temple
  13. Go to a skate park
  14. Have an origami competition
  15. Finish a coloring book
  16. Go “shopping” and pick out the most ridiculous outfit you can for your date
  17. Change the oil in your car
  18. Go slacklining
  19. Go geocaching
  20. Learn something new together (crocheting, sport, video game, etc.)
  21. TikTok Party (Find the funniest/favorite TikTok influencers)
Young couple on a date in the park writing a song after looking at date ideas for teenagers.
  1. Volunteer somewhere (animal shelter, retirement home, city event, etc.)
  2. Have a pizza making competition
  3. Go rollerblading
  4. Find the best perfume/cologne at your department store
  5. Write a song together (or rewrite a popular song)
  6. Take apart a computer
  7. Hang hammocks in the local park
  8. Tour a radio station
  9. Walk around the mall
  10. Grab some friends and have an impromptu TED talk
  11. Go to a town event
  12. Go window shopping on main street
  13. Float down a river
  14. Have a cookie baking competition
  15. Go on a road trip to the coolest city near you
  16. Tour a cathedral
  17. Act like art critics at a free art museum at a local college
  18. Play 20 questions
  19. Search “free things to do near me” for fun free things to do in your city
  20. YouTube Party (Share your favorite YouTube videos)
  21. Complete funny “which character (Harry Potter, Disney, rock star, etc.) are you” tests

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